Please always bring your pregnancy log and insurance card with you. It is not necessary to come to our examinations on an empty stomach. Please plan enough time for your visit since the examinations and consultations are time-consuming and there may be delays, particularly if abnormal findings are found. For this reason, in our experience it is advisable not to bring small children with you. After an invasive procedure, there is a scheduled resting period of about 30-60 minutes in the office.
If you cannot come at the appointed time, please let us know by telephone as soon as possible.
COVID-19 - current note:
See start page.
Your team of Pränatalzentrum Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. med. Gunther Mielke
Focus-Empfehlung 2024
STERN-Ärzteliste Empfehlung 2024
'Pränataldiagnostik und Risikogeburt'
Dr. med. Stephan Bosselmann
Dr. med. Angela Lihs
Dr. med. Jasmin Winkelhaus
Prof. Dr. med. Gunther Mielke & Dr. med. Stephan Bosselmann
Richard- Wagner-Str. 11 - 70184 Stuttgart
Tel. 0711 78 27 99 3 - Fax 0711 78 27 99 4
Mobile / Private consultation 0049 157 80 63 26 93 -